My fellow frogs, I think I might have put the tiniest of tiny dents in the armor of someone who is possibly the worst TDS case in the world. Recently I got him to listen. And he listened for a long time without interrupting and without the usual protests. He didn't agree with anything - he held his ground. BUT, he did listen, which is a first and I see it as a huge opportunity. Because, as we know, he will be thinking of our conversation.
I've gone the Trump route and for now, I want to let that lie. But another one of his derangements is about climate change and how the world is about to end. I've got some stuff saved, but I'm coming to you to ask for anything relating to the debunking of climate change. Especially anything from scientists themselves. Anything you've got would be appreciated, and any tips or advice would be welcome as well. Thanks, frens.
When you see the first chemtrail, begin taking pictures. Take them throughout the day. When the abrupt weather change happens, show the pictures in chronological order, and explain how you knew the weather change was coming before the weatherman.
That's actually a good suggestion, because he doesn't believe in chemtrails at all. Thanks!
How someone can continue to be blind to that is beyond my comprehension. Texas has it's own weather modification board for goodness sake.