351 Wow, Just been going through my saved posts & realized I Just hit 1000 Stickies 😁 Thank you to All the Mods who found my content to be worthy and of Course to all my fellow Patriots who Support me...God bless Everyone of you...🙏🏻🙏🏻 (media.greatawakening.win) 🏆 - CONGRATS 1K - 🏆 posted 341 days ago by purkiss80 341 days ago by purkiss80 +354 / -3 121 comments download share 121 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Thank you Purkiss for keeping this board UTD on what's going on. You are informative and spot-on.
You are a pillar of support here and we appreciate you: https://media.tenor.com/ISFIXGc1jEYAAAAC/i-am-grateful-captain-kirk.gif