DESPICABLE: 155 Democrats Vote Against Deporting Illegal Aliens Who Rob America's Seniors by Committing Social Security Fraud | ...
Most of the Democrats in the House would prefer to let illegals drain the wallets of our seniors than send them back where they came from.
Any crime perpetrated, deport them immediately; until DJT takes office, and then they will all go. Any crime should void everything immediately: no benefits (housing, driving, work, health, education) for them or any family members associated with them. Also they lose the right to an attorney to plea for their “asylum”. Any Congress member who deems crime okay for illegals and citizens should be removed from office. We have laws for a reason. Only when they are on the receiving end, then it will matter.
You would think but that wouldn't usher in the destruction of America
Democrat’s who steal from Americans, can’t condone punishment for illegal aliens who do the same, less they too face consequences.
traitors all of them
Ya. And, the asshole republican party that allowed Biden to flood the nation with illegal alien Social Security thieves by certifying a fraudulent election, want to cut out benefits for US citizens. "Too expensive for the govt."
They should be forbidden to collect SocialSecurity payments forever.
They're not robbing seniors they're robbing taxpayers.
Their handlers make them vote this way to destroy America. I can't wait until they all fucking die. It's getting to the point I bet they can auction off who gets to pull the switch or trigger that's how pissed people should be