While likely a light hearted joke, the joke still inspires a few serious offerings to go along with, and perhaps expand on, the joke.
"Bring back the guillotine", the symbol of Frances Reign of Terror Revolution as opposed to Americas guillotine free Revolution?
Fwiw blood thirsty mob power reliant leftists in America HAVE adopted the guillotine as one of their symbols and do glorify the horrors of Frances Reign of Terror Revolution.
After all, to history and reality rejecting Death Cultists their dogmatic ends always justify any means needed to achieve them.
Demon possessed human hamsters + death cult hamster wheels inspired the famous observation that all roads to hell are paved by those with good intentions (who were duped by malevolent psyop temptations).
While likely a light hearted joke, the joke still inspires a few serious offerings to go along with, and perhaps expand on, the joke.
"Bring back the guillotine", the symbol of Frances Reign of Terror Revolution as opposed to Americas guillotine free Revolution?
Fwiw blood thirsty mob power reliant leftists in America HAVE adopted the guillotine as one of their symbols and do glorify the horrors of Frances Reign of Terror Revolution.
After all, to history and reality rejecting Death Cultists their dogmatic ends always justify any means needed to achieve them.
Demon possessed human hamsters + death cult hamster wheels inspired the famous observation that all roads to hell are paved by those with good intentions (who were duped by malevolent psyop temptations).