I am not saying you should. It merely is used as a rhetorical device to show the nature of the direction we are being pushed into, divorcing us from one particular essential trait.
It is a bit longer answer, but given the value, it bears to read it and consider it.
Here' s where the rubber meets the road. When you look at Congress, the building and the room they meet in, you will find a giant Fasci on the wall.
You can also check the Lincoln Memorial.
Of course, the easy way out, is pointing towards socialist movements like Fascism, as in corporate socialism. Some go a bit deeper and point towards the fact that the Vatican also features this symbol. Or Roman dictators.....
This all misses the point.
Two Words
We are familiar with the word: IUS or just-ice. The point being that IUS means human law, perhaps retained in English by the word: use. It is something I am still investigating.
At any rate, the word: IUS stands in contrast to FAS, meaning: spoken. Not in the literal sense as being able to utter a word, but the divine word, which is not literally heard but perceived nonetheless, somewhat abstract.
Gods Word
In the declaration of Independence the following is written:
[..]We hold these truth to be self-evident:
all men are created equal
are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights
among which are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness
governments are instituted among men to protect those rights
people have the right to discard governments that are detrimental to the object of protecting those rights
institute new government as they see best befitting their future security and happiness.
It could be argued that this has been Gods LAW, Gods or-deal, meaning the parts of the source God gave to man. in etymology the word or-deal is thought to be derived from division, and in part that is true. The word or is derived from OER meaning the ultimate source from which something springs (think: the River Rhine). Deal indeed means division as in part of a whole.
In essence, what we are talking about is the authority God granted each man by the endowement (OER-DEEL) of inalienable rights. This is the WORD spoken by God we can perceive being spoken in our lives (bodies => LIVE = LIJF. i.e. dead body = CORPUS/ CORPORA; Compare also WIVE to WIJF).
This then is the FAS.
Interestingly, when a Roman conqueror would triumph in Rome, he would be riding in a chariot. Behind him, a slave would stand, holding a wreath or laurel above his head and say: Memento Mori, or think of being mortal.
This is a beautiful picture of thesis and antithesis.
Julius Ceasar ( KESAR) was dictator for life, Pontifex Maximus, and a god, bending nature to his will. In the final act, during the calenden of March, he met his fate, as an expression of this particular word. He had driven it too far.
So, the fasci actually, is the representation of the AX, that the people, as the expression of Gods Word, can wield, to cut down the poison tree of pushers destroying the very foundation of the 6 points mentioned above.
But how do you divorce people from their divine nature, their divine spark? By a very simple principle: subordination of authority. When a man becomes so corrupted as positioning himself as dependent, and debilitated, and obedient towards another man or system, he destroys his connection to the divine, and knows no longer these divine words: freedom.
And free - dom is the domain by the free, of the free, for the free and with the free, or the, and here it comes: juris (law) dict (speak) ion (contract-claim) of the free.
The whole push for digitization is a push to make every man dependent on artificial means, not facts (note the relationship with FAS). Art means: skill, preparation. ( see commonality with use) and stands in contrast as a subordinate to fact, or Fas: the divine law.
Good question. Thanks for that!
I am not saying you should. It merely is used as a rhetorical device to show the nature of the direction we are being pushed into, divorcing us from one particular essential trait.
It is a bit longer answer, but given the value, it bears to read it and consider it.
Here' s where the rubber meets the road. When you look at Congress, the building and the room they meet in, you will find a giant Fasci on the wall.
You can also check the Lincoln Memorial.
Of course, the easy way out, is pointing towards socialist movements like Fascism, as in corporate socialism. Some go a bit deeper and point towards the fact that the Vatican also features this symbol. Or Roman dictators.....
This all misses the point.
Two Words
We are familiar with the word: IUS or just-ice. The point being that IUS means human law, perhaps retained in English by the word: use. It is something I am still investigating.
At any rate, the word: IUS stands in contrast to FAS, meaning: spoken. Not in the literal sense as being able to utter a word, but the divine word, which is not literally heard but perceived nonetheless, somewhat abstract.
Gods Word
In the declaration of Independence the following is written:
[..]We hold these truth to be self-evident:
It could be argued that this has been Gods LAW, Gods or-deal, meaning the parts of the source God gave to man. in etymology the word or-deal is thought to be derived from division, and in part that is true. The word or is derived from OER meaning the ultimate source from which something springs (think: the River Rhine). Deal indeed means division as in part of a whole.
In essence, what we are talking about is the authority God granted each man by the endowement (OER-DEEL) of inalienable rights. This is the WORD spoken by God we can perceive being spoken in our lives (bodies => LIVE = LIJF. i.e. dead body = CORPUS/ CORPORA; Compare also WIVE to WIJF).
This then is the FAS.
Interestingly, when a Roman conqueror would triumph in Rome, he would be riding in a chariot. Behind him, a slave would stand, holding a wreath or laurel above his head and say: Memento Mori, or think of being mortal.
This is a beautiful picture of thesis and antithesis.
Julius Ceasar ( KESAR) was dictator for life, Pontifex Maximus, and a god, bending nature to his will. In the final act, during the calenden of March, he met his fate, as an expression of this particular word. He had driven it too far.
So, the fasci actually, is the representation of the AX, that the people, as the expression of Gods Word, can wield, to cut down the poison tree of pushers destroying the very foundation of the 6 points mentioned above.
But how do you divorce people from their divine nature, their divine spark? By a very simple principle: subordination of authority. When a man becomes so corrupted as positioning himself as dependent, and debilitated, and obedient towards another man or system, he destroys his connection to the divine, and knows no longer these divine words: freedom.
And free - dom is the domain by the free, of the free, for the free and with the free, or the, and here it comes: juris (law) dict (speak) ion (contract-claim) of the free.
The whole push for digitization is a push to make every man dependent on artificial means, not facts (note the relationship with FAS). Art means: skill, preparation. ( see commonality with use) and stands in contrast as a subordinate to fact, or Fas: the divine law.