Lets Amend The 16th Amendment, to specifically forbid the government from taxing incomes.
I dont think it was properly ratified in the first place,
And if they want to argue it was ratified, then we say it wasn’t ratified by us, and there should be a referendum vote, and we will say if income taxes are so popular, then surely they would pass again.
Theres no reason we have to be eternally enslaved to US income taxes, based on things that other people may or may not have done.
Its time to end US income taxes.
They are oppressive, punitive, and are mostly used for things would never agree to, if we were given a choice.
Lets Amend The 16th Amendment, to specifically forbid the government from taxing incomes.
I dont think it was properly ratified in the first place,
And if they want to argue it was ratified, then we say it wasn’t ratified by us, and there should be a referendum vote, and we will say if income taxes are so popular, then surely they would pass again.
Theres no reason we have to be eternally enslaved to US income taxes, based on things that other people may or may not have done.
Its time to end US income taxes.
They are oppressive, punitive, and are mostly used for things would never agree to, if we were given a choice.
How many Americans would send money to Ukraine?