posted ago by lovecymru ago by lovecymru +43 / -0

From post


This family has faced an unprecedented confluence of "bad luck" relating to health.

It could of course all be completely random

But can we ask the question...

Has Covid vaccination impacted this family in the way it has so many others?

The British royal family used their influence to encourage the UK population to step up and take Covid vaccinations.

The Queen and Prince Phillip received their first doses in January 2021. The second dose would almost certainly have been 3 weeks later.

By mid February 2021 Prince Phillip was hospitalised for a "non covid infection"...and for some form of HEART SURGERY.

In April 2021 Prince Phillip died. Official cause of death "old age".

On September 8th 2022 the Queen of England died, following a very visible decline in health over the preceding months.

Her frailty increased rapidly, and her mobility declined.

The Queen's official cause of death "old age"...although a Royal Biographer wrote a book claiming that she was battling BONE MARROW CANCER.

The Duchess of York (Fergie) has recently had a mastectomy following the discovery of BREAST CANCER.

At the time of her surgery, moles were also removed.

She has now been diagnosed with MELANOMA also.

Princess Catherine, the future Queen of England, has recently been hospitalised for "ABDOMINAL SURGERY".

Details remain confidential, but clearly whatever ails her is very significant.

She spent two weeks in hospital and is expecting a three month recovery.

And today....

We learn that the King of England, Charles, has been diagnosed with CANCER.

He recently underwent an operation for an enlarged prostate, but we are told it is not prostate cancer.

At a time when cancer rates are soaring, and it is now clear that mrna suppresses cancer suppressor genes...

It's not heresy to ask intelligent questions about the "bad luck" that has befallen this high visibility family
