Power to the People = Trump
Power to the Players = Ryan Cohen
Power to the People = Power to the Players
Reference Graphic: https://ibb.co/DKZfcxw
Reference Pic w/ Icahn and Trump: https://ibb.co/QDgZXsN
A limited number of people in both communities have discovered this connection. That Q and the GMERICA/Teddy/GME/BBBY communities are doing DD that appears to be converging.
One prominent figure on X, Bill Pulte has also made a number of Q references (ie, Trust the Plan, Dark to Light). There are more but I don’t have time to grab them: https://ibb.co/bBVhDfy
It's all connected: Political and Market corruption.
From a prominent DD writer in the GME/BBBY space:
Here's a link to a cool VIDEO shows the connections as well:
Edit: Another connection with Mt. Rushmore:
Patrick Byrne is also a very important figure with respect to blockchain technology protecting the election as well as securing our future decentralized market.
He is a very intelligent man. Speaks multiple languages. He has a way bigger role than people realize. He’s helping with securing elections as well as the new decentralized exchange - blockchain.
One reason why they tried to honey pot him
His Role was to infiltrate us. Byrne has more history with working with Clintons and the Masons than with ANY other organization.
Just cause they talk like you on a clip or video, doesnt mean theyre of your spirit.
Remember the Masons and Knights of Malta really close.
"if people want a savior, we will provide one for them"
These people are wolfs in sheeps clothing, trying to misdirect us and misguide us off into the abyss.