Nope. Back then, freedom of speech was rightly considered absolute. Hate, like all other emotions, was legal. That was before prohibition of thoughtcrime and wrongthink (renamed as "hate speech") became the ironclad law of the land.
"I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it" and "It's a free country, I can say what I want!" were the mottoes we were all raised with.
"I'll have them naggers voting Democrat for 200 years." - Lyndon Baines Johnson, upon signing the Great Society welfare package.
Only he didn't, as the story goes, say nagger.
Nope. Back then, freedom of speech was rightly considered absolute. Hate, like all other emotions, was legal. That was before prohibition of thoughtcrime and wrongthink (renamed as "hate speech") became the ironclad law of the land.
"I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it" and "It's a free country, I can say what I want!" were the mottoes we were all raised with.
We're still the ones who are right about this.
This is why The Patriot Act and our "Hate Crime" laws exist. So they can call you a terrorist and side-step the Constitution in going after you.
All of this mountain of shit needs to be pushed into the ocean.
I’ve never really understood “hate crime”.
You can’t legislate emotions, only actions. It’s word voodoo.
Yes, and done to create a new class of crime that can be applied to anyone TPTB don't like.
It's voodoo alright. But actually it's Communist.