Several things that are needed to be mentioned. First, the hotel (WTC #3) was destroyed while WTC #4 received major damage. Second, WTC #7 "collapsed" about six hours following the collapse of the north tower. Not only that, building 7 was protected by 5 and 6. The only way the official narrative actually happens and is more believable is if there was a wind from the south. Actual wind was from the northwest.
Several things that are needed to be mentioned. First, the hotel (WTC #3) was destroyed while WTC #4 received major damage. Second, WTC #7 "collapsed" about six hours following the collapse of the north tower. Not only that, building 7 was protected by 5 and 6. The only way the official narrative actually happens and is more believable is if there was a wind from the south. Actual wind was from the northwest.