ESPN Red Pilling The Sheeple On The Border & Biden
ESPN, Disney’s own sports channel is opening up the Red Pill Bottle. It got through on their Broadcast how bad Biden is, the Border, and that yes Trump Will Win. This will make the DemoLib sports watchers heads esssplode all over National and International TV and Phone Screens! 😂🤯🤣😂🤯🤣
The Great Awakening Anons! Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming. Nothing! God bless you all.
My wife switched on the tv and instead of movies as she used to watch she stopped on some news channel. It was either BBC or London News channel.
We watched Biden not being able to put a coherent sentence together and answering questions like an idiot. She was shocked what she saw. I was shocked that they allowed to air it and no producer has pressed their big red button. I will need to check with her later what channel was it.