It may not be over, but the Russians hacpve essentially won. The Ukrainians have been decimated and the monies previously given to Ukraine and the weapons have been diverted and laundered. When you have a corrupt leader, who cares not for his people, but only his personal gain, uses funds for the war and humanitarian aide for other purposes, do you really expect they will succeed? That is just like BHO and JRB, and others in government like BC, HRC, Pelosi. How did they become so wealthy while in office and after leaving office? You can’t sell that many books!
It may not be over, but the Russians hacpve essentially won. The Ukrainians have been decimated and the monies previously given to Ukraine and the weapons have been diverted and laundered. When you have a corrupt leader, who cares not for his people, but only his personal gain, uses funds for the war and humanitarian aide for other purposes, do you really expect they will succeed? That is just like BHO and JRB, and others in government like BC, HRC, Pelosi. How did they become so wealthy while in office and after leaving office? You can’t sell that many books!