November 22nd 1963 was the culmination of the intelligence agencies taking over the US and then the world. It was then naked in front of everyone to see. New Orleans Prosecuting Attorney Jim Garrison was the only one who ever got this into a courtroom. The coverup actually exceeded the event. It has been in place ever since. BTW there's no statute of limitations on murder...or treason. Hope does spring eternal when you see things you thought were only a spiritual wish beginning to come within reach.
Both Garrison and the Warren Commission relied upon the publicly available version of the Zapruder film, which is a forgery. All conclusions based on the doctored version of the Zapruder film are meaningless.
November 22nd 1963 was the culmination of the intelligence agencies taking over the US and then the world. It was then naked in front of everyone to see. New Orleans Prosecuting Attorney Jim Garrison was the only one who ever got this into a courtroom. The coverup actually exceeded the event. It has been in place ever since. BTW there's no statute of limitations on murder...or treason. Hope does spring eternal when you see things you thought were only a spiritual wish beginning to come within reach.
Both Garrison and the Warren Commission relied upon the publicly available version of the Zapruder film, which is a forgery. All conclusions based on the doctored version of the Zapruder film are meaningless.