"Billboard Chris", a father of 2, and advocate for stopping trans indoctrination and puberty blockers for children, gets assaulted in public. He follows the fleeing hoodie-wearing, green wig-wearing male onto a bus to get his ID. The perp screams like a girl. People on bus come to perp's defense!
🤡 Clown World 🌎
What a little bitch. I hope his mommy doesn't leave any sharp objects around because I would bet money, he is going to be a statistic.
Direct Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y8hvEi5fuKw
Ukraine personified
I really, really, really think it’s something in the food and/or water fucking all these people up. I blame Monsanto.
The bus driver is an idiot.
Keep importing more compliant Iranians. Control