👺⚖️🌎 Trump Ordered to Pay Over $350 Million and Barred From New York Business 👺⚖️🌎
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We knew this was going to happen. It will be appealed, the judge is a corrupt, partisan who predetermined this judgement in a case where there was no crime or victim. Absolute malfeasance by this corrupt judge.
Yes yes we all know.
But will the appeal magically go to a judge that isn't corrupt?
I do not think this is a scotus case
No, it's not a SCOTUS case, and will it go to a non corrupt judge? Maybe, but Trump is not going to pay them a dime in this case I can assure you of that. They're doing everything they can to stop Trump, FYI, it's NOT working.
Definitely, we all knew plus like I said DJT is not going to give his money away so easily because a corrupted judge and the evil entities want his money in a court that there is no justice.
100% correct