Why has transgenderism absolutely exploded in the last few decades?
why has transgenderism become such a hot-button topic?
why has transgenderism been awkwardly shoved down the publics throats, in the most bizarre ways imaginable...
It is my belief that transgenderism is caused by vaccines,
and like other vaccine problems, such as autism, they are frantically trying to normalize transgenderism just like they tried to normalize autism.
let's refresh our memories on autism...
they say autism is genetic, yet paradoxically not heritable.
they say autism is just part of "neuro -diversity" (dissect that woke phrase)
they say autism has always been an epidemic, its just that doctors used to be too ignorant to recognize it, before they were trained more betterly.
they say that if you have a problem with autism, that you must hate autistic people.
they say that if you want to prevent autism, then you must want to erase autistic people.
genocide them even.
did you know that gender dysphoria is highly associated with autism?
and we all know what causes autism, don't we?
but do we know HOW vaccines cause autism?
here is the basic model:
Wikipedia lists "rubella" as one of the causes of autism.
see also
Congenital rubella syndrome and autism spectrum disorder PREVENTED by rubella vaccination - United States, 2001-2010
TLDR: Rubella infection in pregnant women causes autistic babies. Therefore preventing rubella infection with a rubella vaccine will prevent autistic babies. Totally debunks the "autism is genetic" hypothesis. They don't boast about this vaccine perk, because it destroys more important narratives.
So, how do vaccines cause gender dysphoria and transgenderism?
the basic model is that vaccines are produced using human stem cells,
and therefore some residual human DNA etc makes it into the final vaccine product, and is injected into a person,
along with an adjuvant, which "stimulates" a strong immune response to whatever is in the vaccine.
these stem cells are either male or female, and will therefore cause a strong immune response to either male or female DNA etc...
Official Vatican Statement (MUST READ!)
another model that will help illustrate this model, is the CHO-PCOS model...
personal anecdote:
my sister has been diagnosed with PCOS for many decades, and everyone in the family knew it, and so we were vaguely aware of PCOS, and would keep our eyes and ears open for PCOS news, and share it with each other etc...
in 2014, i became interested in the vaccine debate, and after many hours and days and weeks and years of vaccine debate, i finally realized that it is pointless to argue about "IF" vaccines cause autism, because the answer is a very binary "YES or NO" proposition, and you probably fall on one side of the debate or the other, without really knowing WHY you are on that side of the debate...
so i started to focus my time and energy trying to understand HOW and WHY vaccines cause problems,
instead of debating "IF" vaccines cause problems.
i realized that i would need to make more specific claims, in order to force the other side to make more specific rebuttals.
so, for example, if i say "vaccines cause transgenderism",
that will force the pro-vaccine side to "debunk" the claim, with an article that is headlined like
"why vaccines do not cause trans genders"
they will, of course, put forth their most compelling arguments, which is nice for us, because it reveals their current thinking, and allows us to find more flaws and holes in their narratives.
anyway, along the way it became very clear to me that vaccines caused PCOS, and the model is pretty straight forward to anyone who will take the time to study it.
my sister is an uber-lib. book smart, not street smart.
try telling her that i discovered this CHO-PCOS model.
she dismisses it.
she loves vaccines.
she volunteered to be in the early phase COVID "vaccine" testing.
tells you how smart she is...
wound up in the ER with blood clots in her heart and her brain.
she refuses to connect the dots between vaccine and blood clots, even after i ask her why it is that they call it a "clot shot"?
recently, she announced to the family that she now identifies as "non-binary'
to which i helpfully asserted that non-binary is merely a fancy way of saying that you don't identify with pop culture gender stereotypes, just like most other people don't...
i say to her, you are still a woman, you just have an immune system that is attacking your ovaries, and f'ing up your hormones.
i have actually worked out, in fine detail, how vaccine cause various problems, and i have tried to share it with the world on numerous occasions, with limited success.
i have tried to get my models to Steve Kirsch, because i believe he is still stuck in the fools errand of debating about "IF" vaccines cause problems, instead of moving on to the more productive activity of developing new models to explain various "adverse events"
The answer is very simple, its right in front of your face, if only you have eyes to see it.
Begin with the phenomenon called FEVER.
FEVER is easy to understand, easy to quantify, easy to document,
FEVER is easy to fathom, as a logical cause-and-effect.
Approach FEVER one degree at a time, for example,
What happens when fever reaches 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, etc...
If a parent told you that their child got several vaccines that day, and by that night they had a fever of 105, and the child suffered permanent brain damage...
would you believe them?
of course you would.
because you intuitively know that this scenario is not only plausible, but even probable.
Dravet Syndrome is also an excellent model for illustrating vaccine problems.
They’re not required for traveling abroad. My kids (2 and 4) have been carted all over Earth since they’ve been born and no one’s ever asked for proof of vaccination for them.