The man who had the courage to pull the curtain up and reveal the Uniparty corruption within the halls...
For this, he is being persecuted to no end...
Who will end the endless?...
GREAT Insight purkiss80 into the VERY depths of what is going on right now in OUR country...
There will be a day-of-reckoning coming soon and I do believe that the ALL who had a hand in ANYTHING concerning OUR government will be sent to GITMO...
May God have mercy on their souls, because I won't@@@@
The man who had the courage to pull the curtain up and reveal the Uniparty corruption within the halls... For this, he is being persecuted to no end... Who will end the endless?...
God will end it. There is purpose in the delay.
GREAT Insight purkiss80 into the VERY depths of what is going on right now in OUR country...
There will be a day-of-reckoning coming soon and I do believe that the ALL who had a hand in ANYTHING concerning OUR government will be sent to GITMO...
May God have mercy on their souls, because I won't@@@@