“We’re having more dead babies on a shift than there are live babies”.
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Maybe. I’m an ER doc. The only neonatal death that has occurred while I was covering the ED in the last 6 years (I work almost 60 hrs per week) was an Amish baby that I was able to initially resuscitate, but died the next day in the NICU. Amish, no vaxes ever in mom. So, if we’re now dealing entirely in word of mouth and anecdotes, my personal experience is 180 degrees from my (genuinely) beloved GAW echo chamber.
As an ER doc, have you ever had a patient that got their hand ripped off in one of those bowling ball return machine things?
Be careful, and do not get munsoned!
Missing limbs usually involve farm equipment here.
Roy Munson? Amish? Was this resuscitation after you abandoned the barn-raising for the lunch bell, or after you milked the bull?
Yesss. Love u
thank you “doctor”
“You’re welcome”
This is an interesting data point- thank you for sharing. I pray that things are not as bad as we think they may be.