177 2/19/19>> There is EVIL in this world. There is DARKNESS in this world. There are those in POWER who wish to CONTROL (enslave) you.To keep you sedated. To keep you unaware.To keep you blind. This will be on our timetable. (...AND WE WILL DELIVER) -Q (qalerts.app) Q-Encouragement posted 350 days ago by Oh_Well_ian 350 days ago by Oh_Well_ian +179 / -2 Intel Drop #2816 The DECLASSIFICATION of all requested documents (+ more) will occur. This is not a game. Do not let personal (emotional) desires (do it nownowwhat is taking so longNOW!) take over. Logical thinking and strategy should always be applied. Game-Theory. WE ALL... 33 comments share 33 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Same thing happened to me! I've since stopped submitting any new main posts.
I got banned for three days once for daring to question the meaning of a post a moderator made. The post was unclear and I only questioned how what it seemed to say could be true.
It’s really my fault because as this place has grown some of my posts have been low key and low effort. I blame it on my zealous approach to Truth!