Is Adrenochrome a Drug? History, experiments, tripping experiences, altered feelings and consciousness, references to Q drops #3497, #1896, #1904 and #4565
Umm... hmm. From the AI:
The claim about Canadian field medics extracting adrenaline from the adrenal glands of deceased soldiers to use as an anesthetic or for hallucinogenic effects is not supported by historical evidence or medical practice.
During World War II, medical corps from various nations, including Canada, were indeed resourceful due to the scarcity of medical supplies, but there are no credible historical records or medical references to suggest that such practices were ever used or endorsed.
Morphine was the standard analgesic used for severe pain and trauma in military medical kits, and while there were shortages, medics and doctors would typically ration supplies or use alternative pain relief methods. Adrenaline (epinephrine) is a hormone that can be medically used to treat a number of conditions, including cardiac arrest and anaphylaxis, but it does not have anesthetic properties and is not known to cause hallucinations. Moreover, the extraction and storage of adrenaline in a usable and safe form under field conditions would be extremely challenging and is unlikely to have been a practical or effective alternative to morphine for pain relief.
This type of story seems more like an urban legend or a myth rather than a factual historical account. Always consider the source of such information and look for credible evidence when evaluating historical claims.
Here here. Nice post.
Adrenaline becomes adrenochrome when exposed to the air. It turns pink when it oxidized.
It then further oxidized and becomes melanin and turns brown.
It's very unstable. It degrades when exposed to heat or light or moisture. It metabolizes quickly in our bodies. Good luck extracting it. Especially has we have nanograms worth in our systems
Nanograms? That's tiny. Take 2.2 pounds of flour divide it a thousand piles. Now each pile is a gram.
Now take one small piles and divide into 1000 piles. Now you have milligrams.
Now get out your microscope. Divide that teeny eeny pile into 1000 piles. MICROGRAMS
NOW get a better microscope now divide that teeny eensey pile into a thousand.
Now you have nanograms. The amount of adrenochrome in a human body is measured in nanograms per liter. It's freaking tiny.
It's easy to make in a lab.
Pharmaceutical quality pure adrenocrome is $10 -15 bucks per milligram at a medical research supply shop. This is like 50,000 to 100,000 times more than you can get from a person.
There's medical research being done with it. There's a way to stabilize it by making it into a "monosemicarbazone"......nope I don't know what that is, but it's a new substance called carbazochrome dihydrate which is sold as Adrenoxyl.
This a drug used to stop hemorrhages.
There's another version called Carbazochrome sodium sulfonate they use for hemorrhoids.
I think they are research drugs, not over the counter. But they are cheap.
These monsters aren't consuming carefully made little portions of a synthesized drug.
They are eating the meat and drinking the blood of a freshly tortured victim, sometimes while it still clings to life.
That's how they get their high.
You got something backwards.
The claim of the myth is you need a tortured victim. The reality is you can synthesize the pure chemical cheaply.
There's no difference in the chemistry.
At my example didn't involve little portions. It involved MASSIVELY greater portions than produced naturally
It's $11 a milligram. A milligram is ONE MILLION TIMES larger than a nanogram.
So how much do we have in our body. It is measure in ng/L.
So first we need to find the number of liters of blood in a human body
A 200 lb man is said to have 6 liters.
I was able to find how much adrenaline is in the body. Remember, adrenaline becomes adrenochrome in the body.
*adrenaline concentrations in resting adults usually are well less than 10 ng/L, *During stress this concentration increases 50-fold or more during times of stress.
So let's take the 10ng/L and say it goes up 100 times
We have now have 1000 ng/L and we have 6 liters.
So in a 200lb man we have 6,000 nanograms. I used an Internet site to check my math. 6000 nanograms = 0.006 milligram
So you can get well over 150 times of this stuff super cheap. You can go online and check prices for yourself
Source for adrenaline in the body is this test to see if your adrenal glands are working normally.
You can check online for adrenochrome prices online. I searched for
and found a range of prices.
You can also look at EpiPen prices.
If you break open an epipen the adrenaline inside will oxidate to adrenochrome and turn pink.
This is a subject that can be researched and understood. The pricing is easy to understand once you realize that the body produces a crazy tiny amounts
You are forgetting that a huge part of the thrill for them is the ritual and the chase, as well as experiencing the rush of power and control over their victim as it suffers and dies.
The chemical is part of it, but these "humans" are pure psychopaths. They aren't just looking for a few drops of something from a bottle. Otherwise, worldwide human trafficking would not be the problem that it is.
science is ok but you did not calculated the spiritual and outer plane things in your math or chemistry ...
Great info! My question is, how do we break down this adrenachrome that's naturally in our bodies? With all the stress and anxiety our society is going through right now, we are all susceptible to having this in our systems. Does anyone have an answer to this? Thanks!
It seems it metabolizes quickly among two or three different pathways.
And the metabolites are excreted in urine.
It also seems to be an intermediate step to producing something called neuromelanin.
*hands you a dropped baby