America was great when its people were, by and large, a moral, God-centered culture.
The economy is founded on that. The quality of life is founded on that. The potential for growth is founded on that. The greatness of America has always been its spiritual and moral founding and foundation. It is a greatness that is potential. That potential has been seen at times, but never to the fullest.
I think its probably true that many Americans in recent decades have forgotten that. They may look to the externalities as indicators of greatness, but this a very limited view.
Great men and women are those that give and give and contribute to their family, society, nation and/or the world. Was Randolph Hearst a great man? No. Was Rockerfellar? No.
In the soul of American there is a sense that America is great, but that sense has been dulled in recent decades. Diverted. Mislead.
Donald Trump is spearheading the movement back towards that greatness, but there is a long way to go and it will take a long time for that true sense of greatness to reveal itself. Patriotic, God-loving, faithful, generous.
That greatness was directly and ferociously attacked following WW2, with the infiltration of the cultural Marxism, which is now bearing so much fruit. They attacked the very heart of America, the God-loving, family-centered and faithful spirit.
Don't look to a political indicator. Don't look to an economic indicator. Possibly not to an industrial or academic indicator.
Look instead to the times and the factors that were expressions of that God-centered, freedom-loving, righteous-hearted spirit.
From God's perspective, that is what made America great.
America was great when its people were, by and large, a moral, God-centered culture.
The economy is founded on that. The quality of life is founded on that. The potential for growth is founded on that. The greatness of America has always been its spiritual and moral founding and foundation. It is a greatness that is potential. That potential has been seen at times, but never to the fullest.
I think its probably true that many Americans in recent decades have forgotten that. They may look to the externalities as indicators of greatness, but this a very limited view.
Great men and women are those that give and give and contribute to their family, society, nation and/or the world. Was Randolph Hearst a great man? No. Was Rockerfellar? No.
In the soul of American there is a sense that America is great, but that sense has been dulled in recent decades. Diverted. Mislead.
Donald Trump is spearheading the movement back towards that greatness, but there is a long way to go and it will take a long time for that true sense of greatness to reveal itself. Patriotic, God-loving, faithful, generous.
That greatness was directly and ferociously attacked following WW2, with the infiltration of the cultural Marxism, which is now bearing so much fruit. They attacked the very heart of America, the God-loving, family-centered and faithful spirit.
Don't look to a political indicator. Don't look to an economic indicator. Possibly not to an industrial or academic indicator.
Look instead to the times and the factors that were expressions of that God-centered, freedom-loving, righteous-hearted spirit.
From God's perspective, that is what made America great.
Make America Great Again.