I told hubby tonight that I am at the point of not caring about anything I read or hear anymore because I can no longer believe a damn word. And I have experienced more fatigue over the last few weeks than ever before.
When one reaches this point - they are very near to giving up. I truly do not want to reach that point, but when I read tonight (not sure it's true) that 7,298,000 illegals have now invaded our Country one has to ask, can even DJT fix it?
So, as I usually do, I tried to research how I felt and found this article.
I am sharing it with all of you. It's called - "Why We’re More Exhausted Than Ever"
God is on our side.
I get it … I am 100% right there with you fren. Right there with you. That being said … might as well hang in, and have fun with the fight. Doing nothing will absolutely reap us just that … nothing. If there is ANYTHING in your life worth fighting for … now is the time to fight for that thing. What do you have to lose?
You are not alone. I know that It looks ominous, and it is. It is ominous. But never forget, our founding fathers were in way way way deeper shit for many years, and they prevailed, and gave us the United States. Never forget … God is on our side.
One should always be careful of the sin of presumption. The goal should be to be on God's side, not the other way around. His ways are higher than ours. The US is probably under judgment for all of its collective sins. Whether it survives is up to Him, ultimately within the bounds he has set for free will.
That Roe V Wade was appealed, allows for a sorting of the sheep and goats.
Of course the watchman's duty is critical in times such as these Ala Paul Revere.
I do not presume. I know without question God is on our side. You make the false assumption I was referring to the state … I was not. Those of us working to awaken the sleeping are doing Gods work. He chose us, we chose him, so yeah, God is on our side. Pretty simple logic actually. Also, it is important to parse misunderstandings here … God does not cast judgement on a nation. He judges people. Nations do not die and go to heaven to stand judgement.