SkarnkaiLW 3 points ago +3 / -0

The US abandoned the gold standard in 1933, and by the 60s the continual inflation was ending the silver standard as well - silver was too expensive to use for coins. Copper standard left in 82, no idea when zinc and paper standard will end, seems soon.

Gresham's law - bad money drives out good.

SkarnkaiLW 1 point ago +1 / -0

Murdock swinging for the other team. Happens a lot. Get into court and lose deliberately and get desired effect from court order, such as altering election law, etc.

SkarnkaiLW 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's more like a century. The rise in govt budgets across states and fed correlates strongly with female suffrage.

I could go in detail, but women generally care more about care/harm moral axis than justice, and as such they will call for increased govt reach at every turn to solve such

SkarnkaiLW 2 points ago +2 / -0

King Jehu, from Old Testament

SkarnkaiLW 4 points ago +4 / -0

Usury = a pound of flesh. A claim of ownership over a person. Without interest, you would have a loan fee (one time) or even none. Loans woud have to be collateralized such as house or car loans, If the loan can't be claim the collateral.

Interestingly with sound money you have Deflation instead of inflation, so receiving the same nominal amount would be a real gain. So, investing in community via savings = a real return. A virtuous system.

SkarnkaiLW 1 point ago +1 / -0

Stalin kicked out the small hat tribe, who took over Russian empire and genocided Orthodox Christians. Also the Catholics hate Orthodox, especially the far east ones. The political catholics that is.

Almost all the major promoters of the Ukraine conflict are Ukrainian jews who emigrated to the US. For the rest, Nazi World Order explains the hatred, because Hitler and his followers wanted to purge the world of the Slavic peoples completely. Hence the crocodile tears over the Ukraine war

SkarnkaiLW 2 points ago +2 / -0

You don't have to sell me on Trump, Washington Post. I am voting for him even if he is in prison. Assuming there is even an election.

SkarnkaiLW 6 points ago +6 / -0

One should always be careful of the sin of presumption. The goal should be to be on God's side, not the other way around. His ways are higher than ours. The US is probably under judgment for all of its collective sins. Whether it survives is up to Him, ultimately within the bounds he has set for free will.

That Roe V Wade was appealed, allows for a sorting of the sheep and goats.

Of course the watchman's duty is critical in times such as these Ala Paul Revere.

SkarnkaiLW 7 points ago +7 / -0

People pay taxes so as not to be thrown in a rape box that we call prisons in the US. It'd abhorrent but true.

In essence, the US dollar is the same as the Spartan money worthless except in avoiding the violence of the state. This is what gives it purchasing power ultimately from the domestic side, and the foreign side is the same via the petrodollar.

Ever since states allowed fractional reserve lending via bank charters (legalized counterfeiting/fraud) and then also stole the public's gold and silver, we have been living in mafia/bandit societies concealed by industrial progress.

SkarnkaiLW 3 points ago +3 / -0

Honestly, this amuses me to no end. Trannies are the logical consequence of leftist thought, so eating their own, as trannies are more pure than females in the rebellion against Our Heavenly Father.

SkarnkaiLW 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is why they were triggered by Gamergate so badly that they still write articles.

Trying to social ostracize the one community that is already considered basement dwelling virgins was bound to fail, plus it's a goal oriented community with a greater share of autists.

Huge strategic blunder.

Always remember, the NFL folded like lawn chairs, gamers boycotted and started contacting advertisers

SkarnkaiLW 3 points ago +3 / -0

I don't know if you can run from prison today, but Eugene Debs did in WW1.

If so, the optics of Trump giving press conferences from prison would be the cherry on the clown world cake.

Edit: run for President and give press conferences as President I mean, Trumps popularity would only improve if they jail him on this lawfare bs.

SkarnkaiLW 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's a defense lawyers job for one. We give the defense massive court advantage because they are up against the resources of the State. Everyone deserves the best just defense possible

SkarnkaiLW 1 point ago +1 / -0

Additionally ownership = control, at least in libertarian theory. National Socialism is socialism precisely because while business owners retain the title to their property they must use it for the purposes of the State, thus owners in name only.

SkarnkaiLW 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think we may be talking past each other. Greed is not Avarice, in my view. But I will concede that Libedo Dominandi - the lust to dominate is the driving principle, for the humans involved at least

SkarnkaiLW 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is true, but the US claims to be majority Christian. Those who claim to see and yet act in a manner contrary to God's commands will receive greater condemnation.

SkarnkaiLW 3 points ago +3 / -0

Correct, fake money and usury was just the start, then everything else became watered down too as you listed. All out of greed.

SkarnkaiLW 1 point ago +1 / -0

Entirely is a bit harsh, but yeah. It will be more pleasant for Sodom and Gammorah than the US in all likelihood

SkarnkaiLW 1 point ago +1 / -0

To go even further back, the English Civil War was fired up by the printing press, and a bunch of newspapers stoking anti Catholic bias in England as the King had married a Catholic

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