Deadline to comment on renewal of EPA emergency exemption use of Wolbachia mosquitoes in Hawai‘i is February 23rd, 2024... Please Comment against. Mahalo.
Aloha Hawaii Attention 🇺🇸
Aloha and Mahalo for posting this Anon. I’ll sticky it up to grab more attention. Mahalo and Aloha to my island friends.
We appreciate the sticky; mahalo for helping to get the word out. I know the general consensus here is that Hawaii is a lost cause, and the state thinks that the Aloha Spirit nullifies our 2A rights, but this is not the case. There is a tyrannical set of leaders and judges (the de facto government) who keep the people of Hawaii really poor and sick (Hawaii is one of the most Covid jabbed states, btw). The general populace is very asleep and trust in their leaders, and the IQ in Hawaii is one of lowest in the US, so that doesn't help their situation. The people living on the land of the islands of Hawaii do know their rights though, and they are being led to the precipice, just like everyone else is. It might take them a lot to get to that precipice, but I'm hopeful and praying that the people of Hawaii will stand up for their rights along with the rest of America. Hawaii did, after all, vote for Trump in 2020, so there is a lot of hope.
While I'm sure there are some that write off your wonderful state as a lost cause - as they do to California, NYC, Chicago and other areas suffering under severe attack from cabal beasts - rest assured thoughts and prayers are with all the good people of Hawaii and the other states, worldwide for that matter, that the beasts will be beaten back and this evil eradicated. In fact, in my heart and mind it's a certain outcome, but it's going to take some time. Goodness will prevail and things will be better than they ever have in time.
I've only been to your state once, several years ago to Maui, and found the people to be generally kind-hearted and peaceful, with a beautiful connection to nature - easy to see why with such a majestically beautiful place in our country. So rest assured that "the general consensus" is that we love our fellow Americans in Hawaii and pray for strength for you to withstand the attacks levied at you by the beasts. And we pray for those among you still largely asleep to wake up and break out of their matrix programming.
Thank you for your words and prayers for the people of Hawaii, Fren. It really brought some warmth and aloha to my heart. Mahalo nui loa. -PM17
Sounds like they are trying to get all Hawaiian land for their evil deeds. I hate it for anywhere but especially Hawaii. Only took me one week to fall in love with the people. I’m praying for Hawaiian’s to wake up and take their islands back. I know some are awake, I follow some accounts on Instagram.
There is evidence to more and more people waking up daily. I love all the work Kanekoa the Great has been doing, and there are many others in Hawaii doing the best they can to wake others up. Aloha nui, PM17.
Aloha and Shaka to you. Much respect and Mahalo to my island friends. I live in Cali and visit your islands every other year. And have done so since age 11. I’m now 49, Kauai almost being a 2nd home. So yes my friend I know the island, people, culture, and political changes well. So I will always help where I can. Aloha.
Hey Brent, don't kid yourself, Kauai is your home. Home is where your heart is. I've met so many visitors who traveled to Hawaii every year or as often as they can who claim Hawaii as their home. I met this woman recently who brought her mother there for the last time. It was where her parents met and got married, and they returned yearly for family vacations and every wedding anniversary until her father's death. Her mom was so disabled and sickly, so it was a bittersweet trip for her, getting to reminisce with her husband's memory while saying farewell to the island. Kauai will always be her home, and this is the truth for many people I've encountered globally. People love Hawaii and her people.
Hawaii's biggest export today is, sadly, her people; a lot of the people of Hawaii can't afford to live there, so they have left to make a living elsewhere. Hawaii is home to a lot of people globally who no longer are on her shores for this reason. Whether you lived in Hawaii for a weekend or for the majority of your life, the aloha stays with you, there in your heart.
Aloha nui loa, PM17