These people are so bereft of imagination, of skill, of desire to be an individual, that they're eager to just disappear into the "noosphere" of planet wide human consciousness.
Of course, no such thing exists, so to mollify themselves, they create this worthless technology to try to pretend that it does, or it will, or that it should.
Fortunately, they are just showing themselves to be huge mentally unsanitary losers.
He's a willing part of the "singularity."
These people are so bereft of imagination, of skill, of desire to be an individual, that they're eager to just disappear into the "noosphere" of planet wide human consciousness.
Of course, no such thing exists, so to mollify themselves, they create this worthless technology to try to pretend that it does, or it will, or that it should.
Fortunately, they are just showing themselves to be huge mentally unsanitary losers.
Updoot for using bereft.
Well said, frog.