Something that I just thought of.
We know that the CIA / Cabal is responsible for a lot of the terrorist cells around the world.
The problem with taking out all the cells. They are logistically spread out across the world.
We do know that Gitmo is being expanded.
What if this is a white hat tactic to get all of terrorist assets to relocate to one area?
Then BOOM!!!
When the time is right. Our military can arrest them all and send them to Gitmo.
Trump could be working with the alliance to push all the bad actors into one place.
I am also adding this could be a cover to also take out the inner city street gangs who are also tied to the drug cartels.
Or is this a terrible idea?
They have enough room in Gitmo for 40 million people?
The rest will be deported.
We must get rid of the violent ones first. The peaceful illegals will be easy to deal with.
Deport to El Salvador. They have huge prison space.
I have a fresh idea on how to handle them.
What we need to do is find an island to send them all to, one way trip. Preferably one that has a large percentage of inhospitable inland area and a inordinate amount of lethal, aggressive animal species. We'll let them get on for a bit, then come back to tax them and take their guns away so they can't fight back.
I see what you did there 😆 🇦🇺