Blockbuster Bill Would Eliminate Most Wyoming Property Tax, Hike Sales Tax 2%
Rep. Steve Harshman's blockbuster tax reform proposal that would eliminate most property tax in Wyoming in return for hiking the sales tax by 2% passed the House Revenue Committee on Tuesday. “Our people need this and want this,” he said.
At this point I would watch every politician's moves. Eliminating the property tax is/seems great. Tacking onto the sales tax gives the politicians a way to keep bumping up their income by passing bills that raise the sales tax whenever they need a/the bump. We need to make sure-especially the people in Wyoming-that this is being done for the right/non-Communist reasons. If this takes off, I would definitely like to see my state, Maryland, get rid of property taxes (however, I think that is a slim chance, if any)..
Yes! Here the freaking sales tax is 11% on most stuff. Even certain essentials are taxed. Our income is taxed and when we spend our taxed dollars we are taxed again. Eventually 45% or more of our income is taxed. That an abomination when you consider that money is representative of our life currency. The cabal/banksters are sucking the life outta us, literally.
Yes, yes they are sucking our life's blood out of us. They need the retribution that Trump has promised he will bring to them. The sooner the better.