My friend, who originally claimed he was not scared of Covid, and even scoffed at all the daily covid death numbers, suddenly one day in the middle of pandemic told me he is travelling to Hawaii with his family. He had gone and taken early vaccine (apparently only connected people could get it at that time), so they can all travel and post pics on facebook.
It was astounding the excuses that some people made for cucking out. I had one friend get a fake jab card and I still gave him some grief for it as it was giving some legitimacy to the system even if it was fake compliance.
If your jobs on the line, paying for a Vax card is preferable to getting the actual shot. Not everyone was in a position to walk out of their job over the shot. God forbid you were in a medical job or some other industry that went all in on the shot.
We had RN friends who faked their shots and wrote their own vax cards in the early days. They gave themselves saline. One of them was an Alex Jones listener via her father. We could report them and have their RN licenses taken away, but we chose not to. They have dug their own grave, imo. They also gave themselves all the "boosters" so that they could continue to work. Meanwhile, they administered their patients the real shots. The patients got sicker and sicker. I hope they really enjoy their job now, knowing that their patients are dying because they administered those shots and were compliant slaves to the system, just "doing their job." I bet they will really enjoy it when their coworkers who took the real shots start getting sick and start dying. They'll have lots of extra shifts to pick up when there are less nurses alive to help them to care for all the new patients the medical system created. I hope they enjoy the guilt that they have over taking their "shots" as they continue their RN careers. I pray that they realize one day that they are part of the system that killed everyone, and they helped, and worse, knew the truth of this evil plan and lied to keep their jobs. I pray God has mercy on their souls. They were a part of the biggest job security for themselves. Have fun getting real boosters, now that the pharmacies are administering all the shots. No chance at getting any type of exemption once you signed up for the vaxx stamp card, lol. They just signed away all their rights by being compliant, and justice will catch up to them for their lies, in one way or the other. Karma is a bitch.
There’s only a little bit of guilt about taking a placebo or faking a vaxx certificate, and that guilt comes from not counting oneself among the admitted cleanbloods. This made things harder on them and made them feel more alienated for doing the right thing. The guilt also comes from sabotaging the statistics. A person goes in the books as vaxxed with no adverse effects when he’s really cleanblooded.
The much larger amount of guilt would come from giving the real shot to other people. Vaxxing others is more forgivable if one is really vaxxed himself like a true believer, but coming from a covert cleanblood it’s quite sinister. If the nurses had faked the vaxx to keep their jobs so that they would be in position to give other people placebos, then they would be worthy of medals. But since they gave other people real mRNA, the nurses are worthy of prison:
My friend, who originally claimed he was not scared of Covid, and even scoffed at all the daily covid death numbers, suddenly one day in the middle of pandemic told me he is travelling to Hawaii with his family. He had gone and taken early vaccine (apparently only connected people could get it at that time), so they can all travel and post pics on facebook.
It was astounding the excuses that some people made for cucking out. I had one friend get a fake jab card and I still gave him some grief for it as it was giving some legitimacy to the system even if it was fake compliance.
If your jobs on the line, paying for a Vax card is preferable to getting the actual shot. Not everyone was in a position to walk out of their job over the shot. God forbid you were in a medical job or some other industry that went all in on the shot.
We had RN friends who faked their shots and wrote their own vax cards in the early days. They gave themselves saline. One of them was an Alex Jones listener via her father. We could report them and have their RN licenses taken away, but we chose not to. They have dug their own grave, imo. They also gave themselves all the "boosters" so that they could continue to work. Meanwhile, they administered their patients the real shots. The patients got sicker and sicker. I hope they really enjoy their job now, knowing that their patients are dying because they administered those shots and were compliant slaves to the system, just "doing their job." I bet they will really enjoy it when their coworkers who took the real shots start getting sick and start dying. They'll have lots of extra shifts to pick up when there are less nurses alive to help them to care for all the new patients the medical system created. I hope they enjoy the guilt that they have over taking their "shots" as they continue their RN careers. I pray that they realize one day that they are part of the system that killed everyone, and they helped, and worse, knew the truth of this evil plan and lied to keep their jobs. I pray God has mercy on their souls. They were a part of the biggest job security for themselves. Have fun getting real boosters, now that the pharmacies are administering all the shots. No chance at getting any type of exemption once you signed up for the vaxx stamp card, lol. They just signed away all their rights by being compliant, and justice will catch up to them for their lies, in one way or the other. Karma is a bitch.
There’s only a little bit of guilt about taking a placebo or faking a vaxx certificate, and that guilt comes from not counting oneself among the admitted cleanbloods. This made things harder on them and made them feel more alienated for doing the right thing. The guilt also comes from sabotaging the statistics. A person goes in the books as vaxxed with no adverse effects when he’s really cleanblooded.
The much larger amount of guilt would come from giving the real shot to other people. Vaxxing others is more forgivable if one is really vaxxed himself like a true believer, but coming from a covert cleanblood it’s quite sinister. If the nurses had faked the vaxx to keep their jobs so that they would be in position to give other people placebos, then they would be worthy of medals. But since they gave other people real mRNA, the nurses are worthy of prison: