The platform at the rally is in the outline of a B-21 bomber (new), not a B-2 (old). The photo is of a B-2.
It's long been known that no stealth aircraft can defeat long-wave radar. The radar elicits a resonant response from the airframe based on matchup with the wavelength of the beam. But long-wave radars are not terribly accurate in directional resolution. Stealthiness is still good against them to a point.
What is not generally understood is that all this is one thing, but the clinch is another thing. In the clinch, the question is whether a missile or targeting system operating at shorter wavelengths can lock on to the stealthy aircraft, and good stealth prevents this. So, you have a situation where you may detect something coming---but you don't have the means to engage it.
The platform at the rally is in the outline of a B-21 bomber (new), not a B-2 (old). The photo is of a B-2.
It's long been known that no stealth aircraft can defeat long-wave radar. The radar elicits a resonant response from the airframe based on matchup with the wavelength of the beam. But long-wave radars are not terribly accurate in directional resolution. Stealthiness is still good against them to a point.
What is not generally understood is that all this is one thing, but the clinch is another thing. In the clinch, the question is whether a missile or targeting system operating at shorter wavelengths can lock on to the stealthy aircraft, and good stealth prevents this. So, you have a situation where you may detect something coming---but you don't have the means to engage it.