Nikki wants President Trump to debate her, but why should he? We all know the worst case scenario would happen if they debate.President Trump would wipe the floor with her. It is better for her to take her lumps losing every state to Don and then becoming Galvin Newsom's running mate on the No Labels ticket. At least she'll get to debate President Trump's Vice President pick, who'll be a person we have not even began to consider.
Nikki wants President Trump to debate her, but why should he? We all know the worst case scenario would happen if they debate.President Trump would wipe the floor with her. It is better for her to take her lumps losing every state to Don and then becoming Galvin Newsom's running mate on the No Labels ticket. At least she'll get to debate President Trump's Vice President pick, who'll be a person we have not even began to consider.
95% confident DJT would never 'debate' Haley. He has zero need to. But I'm not omniscient, so what do I know?