46 Gavin Newsom says the quiet part out loud that we all have seen through instantaneously : "Nikki Haley is one of our better surrogates. So I hope she does well. She's spot on about Trump. I'm enjoying this primary. I hope it continues. I wish her luck. She's making the case against Trump. " (files.catbox.moe) posted 1 year ago by purkiss80 1 year ago by purkiss80 +46 / -0 Your browser does not support videos. 9 comments share 9 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Hey Gav, if you would stop using all that oil on your hair we could put off your ban on petro car sales until 2050! And perhaps the beaches would not be closed due to an oil spill each time you swim.
Between him and Marco Rubio...
He’s ruined California.
Trash everywhere. Along highways, side roads, city streets, etc.
Newscum is just there as he is telegenic, a winning smile and a confident attitude gets people a long way.
She’s a fxcking plant…. Like bullshxt biden…
There is no "case against Trump," Comrade Newscum. But as you will discover, there's a helluva case against you.
Loathsome. My MIL calls him Nuisance.
They are selections, not elections