Lets think about this differently. Lets say we want to track accurately the health of vaccinated vs unvaccinated to disclose to the world at the precipice. Lets say we want the enemy themselvf to keep track of this for us. Wouldnt this exactly be what would be done?
I'd feel better if it was a voluntary entry into the "tracking group" but that's a good point. And once we get the data we can cause an uproar over the tracking part and make that impossible to do ever again. It's a war so I guess it is what it is, might aswell use their behavior for our own purposes eh
Lets think about this differently. Lets say we want to track accurately the health of vaccinated vs unvaccinated to disclose to the world at the precipice. Lets say we want the enemy themselvf to keep track of this for us. Wouldnt this exactly be what would be done?
I'd feel better if it was a voluntary entry into the "tracking group" but that's a good point. And once we get the data we can cause an uproar over the tracking part and make that impossible to do ever again. It's a war so I guess it is what it is, might aswell use their behavior for our own purposes eh
Yep, Sun Tzu all the way