Test 10, US Space Command and US Navy ship LPD 26, 5 year Delta
Link to article: https://www.spacecom.mil/Newsroom/News/Article-Display/Article/3481623/department-of-defense-completes-underway-recovery-test-10-with-nasa/
Archived just in case: https://archive.ph/HUDEq
Here is the Quennection (alt. spelling “Quennexion” not sure if this term / spellings have been coined yet):
Q post 2911 is “Test 10” which was posted the same day as Q post 2909, but Test 10 was posted apparently 4 seconds after Test 12 (Q post 2910) and Test 11 (Q post 2909, the focus of this thread).
Because Test 10 was posted seemingly out of order, Test 10 possibly explains or gives details for the prior tests, or maybe Test 10 results took more time for the results to be assessed.
Note: I did not notice a Test 4 ever posted.
Notable: Test 6 Q post 2906, Q lets us know: “Anons have the originals? How is that possible? Test 6 Q”. posted Feb 26, 2019
An article or social media post expounding upon Test 6 is going to be a little bit more difficult to find the answer.
Because Anons have it all, and these posts were made in 2019, and another thread here, posted today: https://greatawakening.win/p/17sPBI6GCw/q--3403-jul-09-2019 note-2013-on-/c/ has a comment by “LongTimeListener” that echoes Q post 2906, and points out that research on that thread showing what was going on in 2013 demonstrates that the research has been going on for some time.
Digging deeper for Test 6, I hope to post soon.
“500” nose number also depicted in artwork for an “autonomously controlled” Growler. https://skiesmag.com/press-releases/boeing-and-u-s-navy-successfully-link-piloted-unmanned-growlers/
archive https://archive.ph/Uh7IW
So if the CVN-71 post and decode by MelQ was not a Growler but was an F/A18 “F” variant, that would make the rear seat crew member a weapons system officer, and then the symbolic meaning in this decode with crew member Michael Flynn would be that the popular retired Lt. General Michael Flynn is assisting in the operation to protect and save America using his expertise in the art of war.
Test 10, US Space Command and US Navy ship LPD 26, 5 year Delta Link to article: https://www.spacecom.mil/Newsroom/News/Article-Display/Article/3481623/department-of-defense-completes-underway-recovery-test-10-with-nasa/ Archived just in case: https://archive.ph/HUDEq Here is the Quennection (alt. spelling “Quennexion” not sure if this term / spellings have been coined yet): Q post 2911 is “Test 10” which was posted the same day as Q post 2909, but Test 10 was posted apparently 4 seconds after Test 12 (Q post 2910) and Test 11 (Q post 2909, the focus of this thread). Because Test 10 was posted seemingly out of order, Test 10 possibly explains or gives details for the prior tests, or maybe Test 10 results took more time for the results to be assessed. Note: I did not notice a Test 4 ever posted.
Notable: Test 6 Q post 2906, Q lets us know: “Anons have the originals? How is that possible? Test 6 Q”. posted Feb 26, 2019 An article or social media post expounding upon Test 6 is going to be a little bit more difficult to find the answer. Because Anons have it all, and these posts were made in 2019, and another thread here, posted today: https://greatawakening.win/p/17sPBI6GCw/q--3403-jul-09-2019 note-2013-on-/c/ has a comment by “LongTimeListener” that echoes Q post 2906, and points out that research on that thread showing what was going on in 2013 demonstrates that the research has been going on for some time. Digging deeper for Test 6, I hope to post soon.
Test 6 about 3/4 of the way down the page, https://www.navsource.org/archives/10/09/0923.htm archived 10 years ago, https://archive.ph/YWE7G USS Anchorage LPD-23 photo https://www.navsource.org/archives/10/09/10092328.jpg archive: https://archive.ph/iOxlS Note: MelQ used to do decodes linking and connecting Navy posts to Q posts. Here’s one of her Navy decodes: https://gab.com/Littllemel/posts/106489354221286237 archive: https://archive.ph/QqTQe (got to love the USS Theodore Roosevelt post with rear seat crewmember “Michael Flynn” and CVN 71 —inverse “17”— and the F/A18 # 500 and MelQ’s connection to Q post 500 on Jan. 7 = 1/7 of 2018. https://twitter.com/therealcvn71/status/1409542106650222596?s=21 archive: https://archive.ph/O3Kh5) Additional note: the two-seat F/A18 variants include the trainer model F/A18B which is combat capable, F/A18D used by the Marines, and the USS Theodore Roosevelt carries the F/A18 E and F Super Hornet models, the “F” being a two-seat model. Also there are electronic warfare versions with the nickname ‘“Growler.”
Someone posted on reddit the same plane with Nose Number 500– https://www.reddit.com/r/aviation/comments/yocz7s/was_just_curious_do_plane_serial_numbers_ever/?rdt=41035. In comments there, someone explained that many planes can share the same nose number, i.e. “500” and that there is a separate Bureau Number near the exhaust on Navy planes to identify them across the fleets”)
If this F/A18 nose # 500 in the TR CVN-71 post was a Growler, this makes the rear seat crew member Michael Flynn an electronics warfare specialist.
Symbolically, the message is that Mike Flynn is assisting the operation, Anons have it all
Anons have sources in the water, 40,000 feet, and in space I think is the message
“500” nose number also depicted in artwork for an “autonomously controlled” Growler. https://skiesmag.com/press-releases/boeing-and-u-s-navy-successfully-link-piloted-unmanned-growlers/ archive https://archive.ph/Uh7IW So if the CVN-71 post and decode by MelQ was not a Growler but was an F/A18 “F” variant, that would make the rear seat crew member a weapons system officer, and then the symbolic meaning in this decode with crew member Michael Flynn would be that the popular retired Lt. General Michael Flynn is assisting in the operation to protect and save America using his expertise in the art of war.