45 What is Operation Menai Bridge? All the plans in place for King Charles's death (www.express.co.uk) posted 12 months ago by sacip 12 months ago by sacip +45 / -0 All the plans in place for Charles's death under codename Operation Menai Bridge King Charles's death has already been meticulously planned for, under the codename Operation Menai Bridge. Here Express.co.uk takes a closer look at the plans. 9 comments share 9 comments share save hide report block hide replies
My guess would be they are vaxxed?
My guess is they are under arrest.
I'd love to know if that's the case! Norway's King Harald is now hospitalized with some kind of infection. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/norways-king-harald-feeling-better-hospital-crown-prince-says-2024-02-28/
I seriously doubt any of them got the actual vaxx. The elites don't get it (saline shot for publicity) unless somebody wanted certain royals out of the way. I'd sure like to know.