Survivor of Mao’s China tells Tucker Carlson the US is heading to Communism
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The Communism that Xi Van Fleet is talking about, is that of the 20th C, and it is so much more than just disarming and suppressing with force. The ideology is growing as she correctly points out:
Lack of religion - belief in state or figure-head. [Churches and Mosques are constantly being targeted. No religion at state schools. A general vibe of poo-pooing anyone that expresses an interest in Religion].
Removal of icons (including crosses, statues, flags etc.). [Ahem. currently habbening - also changing street names, town names etc.]
making everyone 'equal' which is an excuse for a race to bottom line. In the rapid implementation of state control in the 20th C, Teachers got paid the same as factory workers, as doctors, as engineers - no matter. Generally, it demolished meritocracy, as discretion and incentives were removed, and note that neither Russians or Chinese now, dare to ignore meritocracy. Their whole educational systems are constantly assessing students and pushing the brightest to PhD levels, including their militaries, no matter how poor the students are. [So the Equality is to be refined in the West, into waamen's rights, trans rights, diversity hire etc., but they kept their elitist high student debts (i.e. you pay through the nose for some, and Senator's sons become future leaders etc.- user pays, hahah]
persecution of naysayers
rabid censorship
State control of media
-Grand centralized plans to 'eradicate' something, as determined by someone with no foundational education on the subject, be it sparrows, vermin, or perhaps 'othered' groups of people. [These days one can identify such ideology by the name Zero: Zero-carbon comes to mind. Or zero-harm policies that investigate ideological policies such as the need for safe spaces to be implemented as an H&S measure, for example. Another example is a war on something intangible, such as the War on Terror, or the War on Drugs].