236 “So That’s a Wow!” – CNN Reacts After Joe Biden Loses to “Uncommitted” in Dearborn Michigan Democrat Primary (VIDEO) 🤣 (www.thegatewaypundit.com) 🤡 MSM Scared 💩-less! 🤡 posted 1 year ago by damnImgood 1 year ago by damnImgood +236 / -0 "So That's a Wow!" - CNN Reacts After Joe Biden Loses to "Uncommitted" in Dearborn Michigan Democrat Primary (VIDEO) | The Gatew... “So, that’s a WOW!” CNN’s John King reacted on Tuesday after Joe Biden lost to “uncommitted” in the Dearborn, Michigan primary election. 47 comments share 47 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Then the news outlet saying it wasn't ballots being delivered, but their camera equipment. They all deserve to be charged with treason. ALL of them. Especially the media.
Why would they be having camera equipment delivered at that particular time?
Because reasons.
They damn sure wouldn't. Pissed me off when I heard them say that.