Maricopa County Board of Supervisors just ran out of a public meeting when they were served the following:
My name is Michelle Klann, and I’m here today to put you on public notice and to inform you that you are not our elected officials.
None of you have never signed an oath to the Re
🧐 Research Wanted 🤔
Yes, and the video has nothing of the such lol. See the video in the thread.
It's a LARP.
Okay, now that we know it's a LARP, who do we know that pushes the Sovereign Citizen LARP hard to try to get us all locked up in FEMA camps as domestic terrorists?
Wrong. Check her out, Miki Klann is OurGreatAwakening on Rumble. Also The Peoples Operation Restoration.
Not a LARP. Peoples Operation Restoration movement is real.