Austin was vaxed up the wazoo. Now he has cancer. Correllation? Causation? Who knows. (BTW, the vax-mandated have their health, even as their dismissal is highly unfair).
God moves in mysterious ways, and often not as planned by those seeking great power over others.
Dear Lloyd Austin, *************************************************************************
FUCK YOU, ********************************************************************************
STRONG LETTER WILL FOLLOW ******************************************************
Sign The American Public that gets FUCK by the United States Government *******
Austin is a piece of shit. We all know it. Throw his ass out. Strip him of all rank and pay period. Evil piece of shit.
Austin was vaxed up the wazoo. Now he has cancer. Correllation? Causation? Who knows. (BTW, the vax-mandated have their health, even as their dismissal is highly unfair).
God moves in mysterious ways, and often not as planned by those seeking great power over others.
Exactly, Austin is not meeting his own standards, the evil, lying, murdering (those he forced the jab on) asshat.
Which Austin?
Dear Lloyd Austin, ************************************************************************* FUCK YOU, ******************************************************************************** STRONG LETTER WILL FOLLOW ****************************************************** Sign The American Public that gets FUCK by the United States Government *******
Lady boner! That was awesome