MASSIVE Groups of Military Age Males From Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, India, Pakistan, Nepal, and More Filmed Traveling Through Darién Gap in Panama to be Flown into US by Biden Regime (VIDEO)
🚔 Crime & Democrats 💸
Right now, at this point, most of these imports that are already here are holed up at certain hotel complexes, old defunct buildings, even man camps. Our true military knows exactly where. We as citizens need to DEMAND NOW that these people are locked up where they are and held until deported.
If we continue to allow this importation and gathering of military aged non citizens and continue to turn a blind eye to it, the day will come really soon when their all unleashed with marching orders and weapons in hand. It will be too late for many if that happens.
If your an American citizen do you feel that your government represents you and what your wishes are? If not, then wake up. The job you have today, your home you have today, everything you hold dear and true to will not be yours really soon unless you stand up and say enough.
For those monitoring this and taking notes, I'm talking about in Minecraft. You can go back to your brokeback movie night.
So is this corresponding to the Q drop which says 'they' are planning mass protests (maybe in Nov after the election) and this is why the National Guard was deputized by Pres Trump a few years ago and ready to deploy?
No idea. Just saying I've seen enough videos of people trying to document huge hotel complexes that are closed to the public and absolutely full of imports. Military aged males. For what purpose other than mayhem?