WAYNE ROOT: “Do You Believe in Miracles?” Something Supernatural is Happening with President Trump. We are All Witnessing “The T...
By Wayne Allyn Root “Do you believe in miracles?” Remember those words by sports broadcaster Al Michaels when the underdog US Hockey team won the Olympic Gold in the 1980 Winter Olympics.
“I’m going to say something very odd now. I don’t believe Trump can be stopped. He’s touched by God. He’s super-human. He’s got something supernatural supporting him. I don’t think anyone can stop him. In my lifetime, I’ve never seen a human being on the earth surrounded by this supernatural force. Trump doesn’t even age like all the other presidents in history. He looks the same as 8 years ago – even after all he’s been through. He doesn’t ever get down, even though he’s taking deadly shots left and right. He’s superhuman, unstoppable, unflappable. We are witnessing a miracle.”
I remember seeing an article about how the presidency seems to age people rapidly. Trump absolutely looks the same from 8 years ago!
What a great read.
the comment section was awesome as well! i totally needed this today!
What an awesome story.
Trump is a man. Perhaps one who is believing God. That makes any of us powerful. Don't deify him. Pray for him and those working with him for their success. God will honor those prayers. While the children of Israel wanderd for 40 years their clothes didn't even wear out nor was there a feeble knee among them. God does stuff like that.
This is true
Planing at it's finest , plus God.
"Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few" - Churchill --- History does Rhyme
Neither shall men say, Lo here, or lo there: for behold, the kingdom of God is within you. -- Luke 17:21
Any Names numbers are just coincidence.
Very good article. Wayne Root was in the law class that Obama supposedly graduated with. Wayne, talked with most of his fellow classmates and professors and not a one of them remembers ever seeing or hearing of Obama.
Love this article!! 💓
Prayers for Donald Trump and his family during these trying times. May they be blessed and kept safe.
For such a time as this...