Playing his part perfectly. You just don't slip up and tell THIS on accident. And IF he was that stupid, or that far gone, he would have been removed already. This simply has to be part of the script.
That is my opinion too. I have noticed when he drops one of these bombs he appears completely lucid and normal. His nonsensical rants are saved for other times.
Actor Joe is letting slip some things the cabal doesn't want known, and they will point to his dementia.
Is he really demented, or playing the part to perfection?
Playing his part perfectly. You just don't slip up and tell THIS on accident. And IF he was that stupid, or that far gone, he would have been removed already. This simply has to be part of the script.
That is my opinion too. I have noticed when he drops one of these bombs he appears completely lucid and normal. His nonsensical rants are saved for other times.
I wish he would slip up and tell the world that he and Kamala are illegitimate and they stole the election.
He hasn't looked the same since he came back to run for President.
He was probably executed for treason around the same time as McNoname.
I believe it was around 2018....
The funny thing is don't ALL the swamp creatures around him notice it's not the real Biden? How about his family? It's just crazy.
Playing the part to perfection. He actually gets better with time, lol 🤣