how else are they going to get the money for all those illegal migrant programs?
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I've been saying this for years to people. You think you own your home? Your land? You don't. You're renting it all from the government, to have the privilege to use it.
Learn about land patents and metes and bounds. American State Nationals can actually own property (Allodial title). US Citizens are slaves and therefore cannot.
Ah.. the dreaded property taxes!
Send this one to Uncle Fester.
This whole Babylonian slave system is outrageous.
Dont know if everyone has this but the town I left I paid city, county and school taxes because I owned the home then I get a per capita tax. Asking what this is, was told "its a tax per person for the privilege of living here." No wonder most people rent instead. You should be paying me for living in this ghetto.