214 Narrative Warfare: Is the MSM setting a new storyline to push for vitamin D to be by prescription only? (nypost.com) posted 1 year ago by ILoveIvermectin 1 year ago by ILoveIvermectin +214 / -0 Man dies of vitamin D toxicity — experts warn the risk of overdose is real Experts are sounding the alarm after a man recently died from a vitamin D overdose. David Mitchener, 89, passed away in suburban London, England, after taking high levels of the supplement for nine… 106 comments share 106 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Yes! We all must be protected from dangerous things! Everything dangerous must be banned.
Dihydrogen monoxide is a killer! It must be banned. https://www.dhmo.org/
This is all dripping sarcasm. And DHMO is water.
The reality is that we should ban lawmakers. Their job is to make laws and to endlessly create more and more bureaucratic red tape for people who just want to live their lives and use common sense to avoid danger.
BaN H2o imMedIaTeIy!! aLl my FriEnds aN famIlY wHo DieD tooK DiHyrDrojeN MonOxidE!