Good measured response. Thank you. I just came from a Telegram chat positing the polar opposite. There are characters there, many are substackers, who are also pushing all kinds of no virus / no pathogens / no contagion narratives, as well as anti-supplement content. Some of it is compelling and measured, and of course some is slightly shrill and unhinged.
Good measured response. Thank you. I just came from a Telegram chat positing the polar opposite. There are characters there, many are substackers, who are also pushing all kinds of no virus / no pathogens / no contagion narratives, as well as anti-supplement content. Some of it is compelling and measured, and of course some is slightly shrill and unhinged.
This has a list of who’s who and what’s what in that particular echo chamber - - which only serves to reinforce the need for continued discernment, research, corroboration and keeping an open mind (but not so much that one’s brain falls to the floor…)