Your goal as a moderator on this site is to ensure the best user experience. In our best interest, we can agree that we desire freedom of speech and the freedom to discuss whatever topics we deem necessary to the Great Awakening.
When us anons here are discontent with your moderation policies, it is of your best interest, and the best interest of the board, to reconsider your practices. Whether you disagree with the nature of the content, the source of the content, or the relevancy to Q or the Great Awakening (to a reasonable degree,) you should not be so quick to remove topics of discussion.
Thank you.
Their job is not to give us a good expirance.
Their job is to help all of us win the victory against globalhomo.
If someone feelings get hurt, so be it.
We are at war, we need to be on a war footing.
Explain how censoring certain discussions "helps" us win against the globohomos.
This site has maintained a great deal of credibility during a time when all federal agencies are on the warpath for anything that doesn't support their narrative and where there have been numerous attempts to discredit us.
Take a look at what pdw has become when the mods don't reign things in from time to time.
“Optics matter.”