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What appear as contradictions are, in many cases, simply two or more sets of data for which a common connection and/or purpose has not been found or discovered, whether the Bible or any other field.
For example, one might posit that the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems are contradictory, until one comes to realize that they serve a mutual common purpose of maintaining the systems of the body, together.
"The Bible is full of contradictions" premises a particular perspective on the bible, one that sees X and Y as contradictions. But it needs to be acknowledged that it is the perspective (aka the 'understanding') that makes or defines these 'contradictions'.
IMO, the theologies developed around the Bible have many contradictions, but that's a limitation of the theologies (aka the perspective/understanding) not the scripture itself.
That said, "truth" is (obviously) transcendent. The Bible is a text that expresses the 'truth', and I think it has to be recognized that the expression is not prefect in the sense that it covers all the bases. The scripture itself directly speaks to this fact itself in numerous places. Paul himself recognize the limitations of what he understood, and wrote about.