Your goal as a moderator on this site is to ensure the best user experience. In our best interest, we can agree that we desire freedom of speech and the freedom to discuss whatever topics we deem necessary to the Great Awakening.
When us anons here are discontent with your moderation policies, it is of your best interest, and the best interest of the board, to reconsider your practices. Whether you disagree with the nature of the content, the source of the content, or the relevancy to Q or the Great Awakening (to a reasonable degree,) you should not be so quick to remove topics of discussion.
Thank you.
Q has always said "There are no coincidences".
To me, this means that we are not dealing in random; that everything is connected. With some digging, those connections show themselves. A forum called the "Great Awakening" should allow for this evidence to be presented and debated. Whether a fren believes what the dig shows them is a different thing. Cognitive dissonance requires sauce to be persuaded.
There is a straight line from the Cabal to theories about the the earth's shape, to ancient religions, to pedophilia and modern sex crimes (ancient religious practices), abortion (child sacrifice repackaged), Freemasonry, who "Columbia" is, why a statue of her is on top of the Capitol Rotunda, and why there are cities and an entire geographical region named after her. Pick a modern societal concern that has DS/leftie support, and you'll find an ancient explanation that gives God the middle finger.
These connections aren't irrelevant or random, frens. They might be old, but they actually explain much of what we're seeing today (see above). Modern society's laws don't apply to our very old enemy, who still operate as they have for 1000's of years; the language has just been manipulated. This is what Q means by a 'spiritual battle'. These aren't just some old families, there are devils and demons here too. I know: all of this sounds like fiction, especially to people burned out on religion, but Q believes it, acts on it, and that's good enough for me. There is too much emphasis placed on what normies will think, at any rate. Using that as the standard is pointless.
Most importantly, these connections show why governments of any sort can't be trusted, and how deep and wide the lying is (part of Q's purpose). It's a paper octopus, but a huge one with hundreds of tentacles. Some of those tentacles look like censorship and the labeling of discussions as "silly" or "unproven" or "fringe".
One cannot stand on cognitive dissonance and then claim to be awakened. If there are no coincidences, then all connections are relevant, and need to be understood.
But there are coincidences, so if Q meant that literally, then Q is insane.
So the only possibility, save for us concluding that Q was full of shit, is that Q didn't mean that literally.
The art is in determining what is worth exploring and what is bullshit designed to distract us or lead us down false paths. It's perfectly possible to make false claims appear true, and we aren't immune from that. Lines need to be drawn to prevent the board as a whole from succumbing to cabal psyops.
Further, the intro text on this forum concludes with "WE ARE THE PUBLIC FACE OF Q. OUR MISSION IS TO RED-PILL NORMIES."
So it absolutely matters what normies think if our goal is to wake them up. Esoteric shit can be discussed elsewhere, rather than diluting a forum that's meant to be approachable to people whose minds are just beginning to open.
Someone who has just started their journey to awakening is not going to stay here if we're talking about flat Earth or some other wildly esoteric shit. True or not, these theories being present here don't help us achieve our stated goal.