Those movies are an underdog hero genre that also work on ingenuity and team-building themes: Furthermore, there are all the French Resistance against Nazi movies. These are Glamourous, with women playing Femme Fatale double agents, or the later 'disabled ladies actually surviving on meth and packing guns and killing Germans, on the side' intrigue.
And still, the sheep bow their heads, averting their gaze, when actual Nazis.
Those movies are an underdog hero genre that also work on ingenuity and team-building themes: Furthermore, there are all the French Resistance against Nazi movies. These are Glamourous, with women playing Femme Fatale double agents, or the later 'disabled ladies actually surviving on meth and packing guns and killing Germans, on the side' intrigue.
And still, the sheep bow their heads, averting their gaze, when actual Nazis.