posted ago by VaccinesCauseSIDS ago by VaccinesCauseSIDS +65 / -0

Money Masters The Rise Of The Bankers



One point i think Bill Still could have done a better job on was talking about USURY.

We, as young students, are taught about “compound interest” in school, and you are given these math exercises to do to see how your money could grow in a 5% savings account.

But what they dont tell you is that it doesnt matter how good that savings account is paying, if you don’t have money any in savings!

What they DON’T tell you, is that you won’t actually be collecting compound interest, but instead you will be paying it!

And the trajectorys are predictable.

If you are in debt, you will likely get further in debt.

Nicely stated as:

The poor get poorer, the rich get richer.

And this isnt due to much more than chance.

Any one of us could have been born a Rothschild, and grown up to be rich. Hi Mike!

But most of us were born poor, and we will stay poor,

That is, unless we liberate ourselves from this usury based debt slavery system that has been recognized as the root of all evil since ancient times.

These boom and bust cycles.

The inflation, deflation, greedflation,

Its all as predictable as tomorrows sunrise time.

But the bastards who do this shit to us, have all the money (obviously) but whats more they have all the power that comes with that money.

And they have abused that power

Let us count the ways…

So heres the plan.

We abolish usury.

And i don’t mean the banker definition of usury, which is legalese and subject to change.

I mean the interest itself cannot exceed 0.00…


Because no matter how small that interest rate is, it will eventually “go asymptote” and eventually crash.


Boom and bust.

This is how they shear the sheep.

Lend money to a farmer, for 5 generations, while that family develops a farm, and then they kill the farm economy and take the farm.

This isn’t on accident.

Thats the long game these people play.

When Willy Nelson heard that the American farmers were having trouble, he replied,

“How Can I Help?”

Willie Nelson Speaks Out On 35th Anniversary Of Farm Aid | TODAY


“How can i help?” Is the exact attitude that every one of us should have,

And not in a defeatist “little ole me” kind of way,

But in the sincere, eager Willy Nelson kind of way!

FULL SPEECH: Nayib Bukele, President of El Salvador, Addresses CPAC in DC 2024 - 2/22/24


Near the end he addresses financial situation ———-

Keep pushing the word “usury” every chance you get, and make it a word that everyone knows.


We’ve done it before… ive got a good story ill tell in comments if anyone asks…