Price Comparisons.
Ok this is my first post, been following for over a year and have learned so much. You anons are amazing and im proud to stand beside you. Im a Boomer born in 1960 and a Patriot I do what I can in my small world Im a delivery driver and have been for 30 plus years. In the last few years i pushed to organize a union and won. Now im pushing to red pill some coworkers in this upcoming election. what im looking for is a compairison of gas,food,energy prices from 2017 to 2024. If anyone has a good graph I would love to share it with my coworkers. sorry for any typos.
Im not quite sure how this works. Not sure if its the mods or the upvotes is what moved this post from New to Hot. However I'm gratefull for everone that has responded to this post. I am just a simple man trying to spread the message Trump is the only way forward. It's not been easy alot of my union brothers are still Biden.. and I dont understand I will continue to throw red pills, but I need 50 cal. ammo. If you have it send it.
We welcome all patriots. God bless you and God bless America. πΊπ²ππ
If a mod sees a post that's worthy of a sticky they will do so, that means the post is sent right to the top. Otherwise it rises based on upvotes. Users can also request that a post be stickied by Reporting ("Deporting") it, choosing Custom Reason, and then typing "sticky nomination" or something to that effect. Be aware not to abuse the system though! Mods have a lot of reports to go through daily, make it count!
Remind them that Biden is letting in hundreds of thousands of military age males including trained Chinese military that is going to be coming after them and their families when the shit goes down.